Director P Satyanarayana, who earlier delivered films like ‘Venkat Tho Alivelu’, ‘Nice Guy’, ‘Evarinaina Edhiristha’ and ‘Baduddayi’ is currently filming ‘Abbo Vaada’. Apart from that he has taken...Continue reading
Introducing Manas and Arushi as lead pair, Maa Movies banner is making a film titled ‘Premantene Chitram’ under the direction of V R Dorairaju of ‘Veedhi’ and ‘Dham’ fame. Gangavarapu Srinivasul...Continue reading
Raja’s new movie ‘Athanu Hardware Aame Software’ is going to be directed by Sekhar K C and produced by S V Rao under Nandini Films banner. Recording of the songs began on Wednesday at Rhythm Studi...Continue reading
A new director Praveen Nellutla will direct a film on ‘Telanga Talkies’ banner by casting the popular hero and heroine as lead pair. Lawyer K Rajasekhar and an entrepreneur M S Rao will jointly pr...Continue reading
It has been three years since the sad demise of comedian M S Narayana gaaru, but every time we see him on screen he entertains. The actor still is living with his films. M S Narayana gaaru started ...Continue reading
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