Director Puri Jagganadh has not given up yet. He wants Jahnvi Kapoor to act in his film opposite Vijay Deverakonda. Initially he had approached her, but she stated that she was busy with her Bollyw...Continue reading
Both 'Mr. Bachchan' and 'Double Ismart' are going to head to theatres on August 15 on a big scale. These are among the biggest and most important theatrical releases of 2024. Incidentally, both fi...Continue reading
Puri Jagannath appears to be pushing forward with a new style of shooting. Thus he is not taking more than 4 to 5 months to complete any film big or small. Right now the director is concentrating...Continue reading
'Pokiri' is back in vogue. Those of you who missed the joy of watching the classic in a theatre when it was released in 2006 now have a chance to do so. On August 9, the Mahesh Babu-starrer will be...Continue reading
When a film is being made on a sensational combination, naturally curiosity among the media arises and every bit it will be a sensational news. Now, we are talking about this crazy combination tha...Continue reading
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