Music director Vighna Vinayaka is directing and producing a devotional film titled ‘Guruvaram’ under Nityasri Creations and Star V Productions banners. Late Ramireddy essayed the role of Lord Shir...Continue reading
'Seva Das' is an upcoming movie starring KPN Chowhan, Preethi Asrani, Bhanu Chander and Suman in the lead. The news is that the film will hit the cinemas on April 1 in Telugu, Hindi, and Banjara la...Continue reading
‘Adhipatyam’ starring U B Raju, Supriya, Deepthi, Suman, Pilla Prasad, Dil Ramesh, Goldmani and Raghunath Reddy in lead roles which is directed by Sravan Raju and produced by Bonagani Reju Gou...Continue reading
Actor Suman is making his Bollywood debut. He is going to play villain in ‘Gabbar’ which is taking shape under the direction of Krish aka Jagarlamudi Radhakrishna. ‘Gabbar’ is also the maiden mov...Continue reading
'Story, Screenplay, Director' is the title of an upcoming entertainer directed by Katla Rajendra Prasad. Katla Immortal, Amma Rajasekhar, Alisha, Shalini, senior artist Suman, Brahmaji, Ali, Chamma...Continue reading
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