'Indian 2' on Monday (Day 4) grossed just about Rs 5 Cr worldwide. The majority part of the amount came from the Tamil version. At this rate, the vigilante action drama is destined to become a meg...Continue reading
'Thugs' is an upcoming action drama produced by Riya Shibu, the daughter of producer Shibu Thameens, who has to his credit films like 'ABCD', 'Puli', 'Irumugan', and 'Saamy Square'. The news is th...Continue reading
A prime reason 'Acharya' was disappointing is that its casting was a complete disaster. We are talking about the villains and supporting characters. Nobody liked watching Sonu Sood in a negative ro...Continue reading
'Konaseema Thugs' is an upcoming action drama produced by Riya Shibu. A song titled 'Amman' from the movie is out. Shot on Hridhu Haroon, who plays the male lead, the song has been composed by Sam...Continue reading
Imagine someone complaining about the negative reviews of 'Indian 2'. It is like Boyapati Srinu blaming the critics' community for panning 'Vinaya Vidheya Rama' and Meher Ramesh questioning those w...Continue reading
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