'Naandhi', starring Allari Naresh and Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, released in theaters in February and went on to become a box-office hit. This Vijay Kanakamedala directorial is all set for a digital pr...Continue reading
'Aa Okkati Adakku', starring Allari Naresh (he decided to put two other projects on the backburner to prioritize this comedy) in the lead, is scheduled to hit the cinemas on May 3. Starring Faria A...Continue reading
First look of Allari Naresh from the hilarious entertainer ‘Intlo Deyyam Nakem Bayyam’, has been launched on September 5 on the auspicious occasion of Vinayaka Chavithi. Total shooting part of the ...Continue reading
In 'Naa Saami Ranga', Nagarjuna plays Krishtayya and Allari Naresh, named Anji, is his all-weather friend. The latest song, nicknamed the 'Whistle Theme Song', is a tribute to their unbroken bond, ...Continue reading
'Veyi Daruveyi' is the title of a new Sairam Shankar movie. Launched on Friday in the presence of Sharwanand, Allari Naresh and Vishwak Sen, the film has Yasha Shivakumar as the heroine. Directed b...Continue reading
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