'Lal Salaam', produced by Lyca Productions, will feature Superstar Rajinikanth in an extended cameo. He will be seen as a Mumbai-based don named Moideen Bhai. The film, directed by Aishwarya Rajini...Continue reading
Vishnu Vishal, who is known for Tamil films like 'FIR' and 'Gatta Kusthi', today took to social media at a time when floods are furiously ravaging Chennai. In his post, the husband of Jwala Gutta w...Continue reading
Months after they got engaged, Jwala Gutta and Vishnu Vishal today got married in a low-key manner in Hyderabad. The bride, who is a badminton champion, has been dating the 'Aranya' and 'Ratsasan' ...Continue reading
Tamil actor Vishnu Vishal, who delivered a hit with 'FIR' last year, will next be seen in a cop actioner titled 'A.A.R.Y.A.N'. A pan-Indian film directed by debutant Praveen K, the film's first lo...Continue reading
It is known that Chennai has been reeling under severe floods for the past 36 hours or so. Early on Tuesday, actor Vishnu Vishal raised an SOS, saying that he had been stranded in his residence. He...Continue reading
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