In the wake of the devastating landslides that have ravaged Wayanad in Kerala this week, Sithara Entertainments has made a donation of Rs 5 lakh. It has done so under the name of Team Lucky Baskhar...Continue reading
So far, Suresh Kondeti has brought 11 films such as ‘Premisthe’, ‘Shopping Mall’, ‘Journey’ and ‘Pizza’ and some others and all became big success. Now, he is gearing up to bring another super-...Continue reading
The melody 'Kaanunna Kalyanam' from 'Sita Ramam' was released at a college in Hyderabad on Monday. Dulquer Salmaan and Mrunal Thakur wowed the large crowds in the auditorium by dancing to the song....Continue reading
'Konaseema Thugs' is an upcoming action drama produced by Riya Shibu. Starring Hridhu Haroon, Bobby Simha (recently seen in 'Waltair Veerayya'), RK Suresh, and Munishkanth in lead roles, the film a...Continue reading
Dulquer Salmaan is on a roll. He will be seen in a prominent role in KH234, the working title of Kamal Haasan's movie with Mani Ratnam. "A legendary reunion of the masters Mani Sir and Kamal Sir! A...Continue reading
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