'Unstoppable' is touted to be a madcap comedy entertainer written and directed by Diamond Ratnababu. Days after its motion poster, its teaser was today released via Akkineni Nagarjuna's social medi...Continue reading
'ATM' is the title of a ZEE5 web series. Launched today, it is directed by C Chandra Mohan. Director Harish Shankar has penned its story. A thriller, 'ATM' is fronted by VJ Sunny and Divi, both of...Continue reading
VJ Sunny, who famously won the title of the 5th season of Bigg Boss Telugu, is in the news for delivering a controversial speech. Speaking at an event of 'Unstoppable' (the film was released in th...Continue reading
Star director Harish Shankar is confident that his debut web series 'ATM' is going to be received with applause. The series will start streaming on ZEE5 on January 20. The 'Ustaad Gabbar Singh' mak...Continue reading
'Unstoppable' is touted to be a madcap comedy entertainer written and directed by Diamond Ratnababu. The film's trailer is out. VJ Sunny and Saptagiri headline this zany comedy. Producer Rajith Rao...Continue reading
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