'Pindam' is the latest horror-thriller in the town. This November release, directed by Saikiran Daida, is set in three timelines: the present, the 1930s, and the 1990s. Set mostly in a haunted hous...Continue reading
The North American Telugu Society (NATS) held a curtain raiser event at a star hotel in Hyderabad on Tuesday in the run-up to the NATS Telugu Sambaralu 2023 to be held in New Jersey on May 26, 27, ...Continue reading
Comedy entertainer ‘Vara Prasad Potti Prasad’ is all set to release on July 9th. The film stars Srinivas Avasarala and Vijay Sai in title roles. It’s directed by Satya Varanasi and produced by H...Continue reading
Indraganti Mohana Krishna is a neat, clean and entertaining filmmaker. He is all set to begin the next film shooting from February 1st and it’s a multi starrer. After the last hit Gentleman s...Continue reading
Avasarala Srinivas and his team of four heroines Mishty Chakrabarthy, Tejaswi Madivada, Sreemukhi and Supriya Aysola made Babu Baga Busy teaser a palatial feast. The awaited teaser from Abhishek Pi...Continue reading
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