Sudheer Babu and Mohanakrishna Indraganti have collaborated for a film once again after 'Sammohanam' and 'V'. Unlike 'V', which was a crime thriller, this one is going to be a romantic drama. To be...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu, who earned a special image for himself with films like ‘SMS’ and ‘Prema Katha Chitram’, is now set to hit a hattrick with the film ‘Aadu Magadra Bujji’. This film stars Asmitha Sood ...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Hunt' was held on Sunday. The core team of the movie attended it. The film will head to the theatres on January 26. Speaking on the occasion, Sudheer Babu began his speec...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu, who carved a special image for himself with super hit films like ‘Prema Katha Chitram’ and ‘Krishnamma Kalipindi Iddarini’, is playing the lead role in the film ‘Bhale Manchi Roju’. V...Continue reading
'Mama Maschindra', directed by Harshavardhan, is the title of an upcoming movie starring Sudheer Babu. The multi-genre film has got the 'Aa Ammayi Gurinchi Meeku Cheppali' and 'V' actor in a triple...Continue reading
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