'Yadgiri & Sons' is the title of an upcoming movie written and directed by Bikshapathi Raju Pandiri, who has written its story, screenplay, and dialogues. Produced by Chandrakala Pandiri, the f...Continue reading
'Ikshu' is a multi-lingual written and directed by VV Rushika. The news is that its promo, unveiled the other day, has received a thumping response. To be released in five languages, it has Ram Ag...Continue reading
'Ikshu' is a multi-lingual written and directed by VV Rushika. Its First Look was released today. Starring Ram Agnivesh as the hero, the film has Rajeev Kanakala, Prabhakar, Chitram Seenu, Chamak C...Continue reading
Roshan Kanakala, the son of Suma and Rajeev Kanakala, is going to debut as a hero. His maiden venture is directed by Ravikanth Perepu of 'Kshanam' fame. Titled 'Bubblegum', the rom-com entertainer ...Continue reading
Rishi, Rajeev Kanakala and Priyanka as the lead, ‘Srimathi Bangaram’ is being made under Vinay Babu’s direction under Sri Maheswara Productions banner. Chenna Srinivas and Kotta Satyanarayana Reddy...Continue reading
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