'PSV Garuda Vega', directed by Praveen Sattaru, has undergone Censor formalities. It has been certified with U/A. The racy action-thriller will hit the screens on November 3rd in a grand way. St...Continue reading
'RGV Deyyam', directed by Ram Gopal Varma, will release on April 16. Starring Rajasekhar, Swathi Deekshit, Tanikella Bharani, Anitha Chowdhary, Jeeva and Banerjee, the film is produced by Jeevitha ...Continue reading
'Garuda Vega', starring Dr. Rajsekhar in the role of a counter-terrorism fighter, will have its teaser released soon. The makers will announce the Teaser's release date in some days. Critically...Continue reading
First stop in Georgia for ‘Garuda Vega’ team was Enguri Dam. It’s the largest Hydroelectric Dam in the country of Georgia which serves electricity and drinking water to 3/4th of t...Continue reading
It has been the norm for individuals to study MBBS for four years, practise as a house surgeon for a year and only then become a qualified doctor. However, the National Medical Commission Bill, pr...Continue reading
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