'Jai Bhim', which skipped a theatrical release last year and was released directly on Amazon Prime, stars Suriya in the lead. Directed by TJ Gnanavel, the film has now received an Oscars honour. A...Continue reading
'Jai Bhim' director TJ Gnanavel will be directing a socio-legal drama titled 'Dosa King'. The film revolves around a sensational murder case that led to the downfall of a millionaire. You must hav...Continue reading
'Matka' is the title of Varun Tej's 14th movie. The news is that the film will hit the cinemas on November 14, probably in Hindi as well. Directed by Karuna Kumar of 'Palasa 1978' fame, the film wi...Continue reading
The much awaited Surya starrer ‘Singam 3’ is releasing worldwide on February 9 simultaneously in Telugu and Tamil languages. Interesting thing is that the film has created sensation by ...Continue reading
As his latest film 24 gears up for release, star actor Suriya is all set to join the audiences in North America for the premiere of the film on May 5th, a day ahead of its release on May 6th. Cine...Continue reading
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