Speaking at a recent event, producer Bunny Vasu said that the short theatre-OTT window can spell doom for single screens. Most small Telugu movies get released on OTT within three weeks of their th...Continue reading
As reported earlier, Rishab Shetty was in Andhra Pradesh to participate in the success tour of 'Kantara' in Tirupathi and Vizag. On Saturday, after watching his movie in two theatres with the audie...Continue reading
Vijay Deverakonda’s upcoming film titled ‘Taxiwala’ is all set to hit theaters on May 18. The film is directed by short films director Rahul Sakrityayan. Priyanka Jawalkar is the ...Continue reading
Kiran Abbavaram's 'Vinaro Bhagyamu Vishnu Katha' is in the news over the release of a new song. After 'Vaasava Suhaasa' and the film's teaser, a song shot on the 'SR Kalyanamandapam' actor and Kash...Continue reading
Narne Nithin, who is Jr NTR's brother-in-law (his wife's brother), is in the news because GA 2 Pictures has launched a movie with him as the male lead. Nayan Sarika is the heroine of this untitled ...Continue reading
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