100% Telugu streaming platform aha, a household name for Telugu entertainment, has consistently hogged the limelight for housing a gamut of blockbusters and pathbreaking web originals in its conten...Continue reading
Private film awards have long lost their sheen. It is an open secret that they are given only to those films and actors who agree to attend the events. What makes these awards an even bigger joke ...Continue reading
NTR Jr has refused to be a part of Bigg Boss. Reason being that he has his hands full. Right now he is preparing for Trivikram's film and after that he has S S Rajamouli's film. So he has no dates ...Continue reading
Nani is busy completing his film ‘Nenu Local’. The film is gearing up for a grand release in December. After the release of Nenu Local, Nani will move on to his next film. This project will be dire...Continue reading
The success of 'Saripodhaa Sanivaaram' has energized Nani like never before. His gamble paid off in a terrific way. Director Vivek Athreya, after delivering a flop for him in the past, has redeemed...Continue reading
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