Praneeth Hanumanthu, a content creator, was recently seen in Sudheer Babu's 'Harom Hara' as Selva Manikayam Bujjulu in a brief role. He was effective in the short role that he got to play in the ac...Continue reading
The multi-starrer film ‘Shamanthakamani’ that features talented actors like Sundeep Kishan, Sudheer Babu, Nara Rohith, Aadi and Rajendra Prasad, has completed the shooting part. At Pres...Continue reading
‘Mosagallaku Mosagadu’ starring Sudheer Babu as the lead and Nandini as the female lead, is all set for release on May 21. Right now, post-production works are at final stage. It is being made as a...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Hunt' was held on Sunday. The core team of the movie attended it. The film will head to the theatres on January 26. Speaking on the occasion, Sudheer Babu began his speec...Continue reading
Sudheer Babu and Mohanakrishna Indraganti have collaborated for a film once again after 'Sammohanam' and 'V'. Unlike 'V', which was a crime thriller, this one is going to be a romantic drama. To be...Continue reading
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