NOTA starring Vijay Deverakonda in the lead has been censored. The Censor Board has given a UA certificate to the film. News is that the film did have some glitch when getting clearance. Some dialo...Continue reading
Today a Judicial magistrate from Ooty issued a non-bailable warrant against actor Suriya, Sathyaraj and six other actors. This was as the actors did not turn up in court for hearing a defamation ca...Continue reading
Jail terms positively affect the careers of political leaders but do harm to film celebs. At least, that's what happened in the case of Sanjay Dutt. The Bollywood actor lost out on the 'Baahubali' ...Continue reading
'Meet Cute' is directed by Natural Star Nani's sister and debutante Deepthi Ghanta. The anthology is all set to stream on SonyLiv from November 25. Starring Satyaraj, Adah Sharma, Varsha Bollamma,...Continue reading
'Maayon' is an upcoming movie starring Sibi Sathyaraj as the hero. The movie is hitting the cinemas on July 7. Mamidala Srinivas of Movie Max recently acquired the Telugu release rights of the movi...Continue reading
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