'Maayon' is an upcoming movie starring Sibi Sathyaraj as the hero. The movie is hitting the cinemas on July 7. Mamidala Srinivas of Movie Max recently acquired the Telugu release rights of the movi...Continue reading
After a super hit like 'Khaidi', Karthi is going to the back in Telugu with the movie, 'Donga'. Jyothika plays Karthi's sister in this movie, directed by Jeethu Joseph of 'Drishyam' fame. Nagarjun...Continue reading
Satyadev Kancharana's 26th film is a crime drama directed by Eashvar Karthic. 'Pushpa' fame actor Daali Dhananjaya has a lead role in the movie. Days after roping in Kollywood actress Priya Bhavan...Continue reading
It is frustrating when filmmakers with meagre resources make superhuman/sci-fi films. In Telugu, in recent times, 'SPARK' and 'Indrani' have become a laughing stock. When the Telugu film industry i...Continue reading
Jail terms positively affect the careers of political leaders but do harm to film celebs. At least, that's what happened in the case of Sanjay Dutt. The Bollywood actor lost out on the 'Baahubali' ...Continue reading
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