Bigg Boss Telugu fame Sohel's 'Lucky Lakshman' is scheduled to be released in theatres on December 30. Its pre-release event was held on Tuesday. Producer Haritha Gogineni called the movie a well-...Continue reading
'Demonte Colony 2' is hitting the cinemas in Telugu on August 23. Mythri Movie Distribution's Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar are releasing it in Nizam. Arulnithi is playing a dual role, while Pr...Continue reading
'Leharaayi', presented by Bekkem Venugopal, stars Ranjith, Soumya Menon, Gagan Vihari, Rao Ramesh, VK Naresh, Ali and others. Directed by Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the film is produced by Maddireddy...Continue reading
'Grandhalayam' is the title of an upcoming action entertainer produced by Vaishnavi Sri Creations. The film will hit the cinemas on March 3. Its pre-release event was held today. Speaking on the o...Continue reading
The trailer for 'Paagal' was unveiled today. Speaking on the occasion, the makers described the movie as a love story with a difference. The film will be released in theatres on August 14. Vishwak...Continue reading
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