We’ve all heard about the first film to start a trend, be it an item song, slapstick comedy, over-the-top action scenes or the extremely overused sentiment of a young man falling for his ’maradhalu...Continue reading
'Prathinidhi 2' is going to head to theatres in the month of April. The release might face legal hurdles, though. In such a case, it will be released after the election season concludes, that too, ...Continue reading
Two grand children of NTR will fight out on Friday with their films. Nara Rohith and Kalyan Ram will be competing with their films later this month. ‘Ism’ staring Kalyan Ram directed by Puri Ja...Continue reading
We last saw Regina in Tollywood in the film 'Nakshatram'. The film bombed and did not help Regina in the way she hoped for. Of late Regina is concentrating in Kollywood. She wants to make it big i...Continue reading
The muhurat for Nara Rohith’s new film under Tatineni Satya is going to be held on 24th January. RVCH Prasad is the producer. This action oriented flick will see the ‘SMS’ and ‘Routine Love Story’...Continue reading
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