'Thank You Brother' is an upcoming comedy revolving around a set of fictional events in the era of coronavirus. Its Title Poster was on Friday unveiled by 'Baahubali' and 'Viraata Parvam' actor Ran...Continue reading
'Prema Vimanam' is the title of an upcoming web film release. Produced by Abhishek Nama of Abhishek Pictures and ZEE5, its teaser was today shared by Superstar Mahesh Babu digitally. In this heart...Continue reading
Rangamatta says that she is chubby and black is the perfect color that hides her chubbiness. Needless to say that she is saying the truth. She looks fabulous. Anasuya tweeted, "Black saves me when...Continue reading
'Pushpa', starring Allu Arjun in the lead, is currently being shot in Secunderabad on a set. The box-office behemoth, directed by Sukumar, is in the news because Anasuya Bharadwaj has joined the un...Continue reading
Sai Dharam Tej’s latest venture is ‘Winner’. Marking the birthday of Sai Dharam Tej, the first look was released and it has got tremendous response. This much hyped film is being ...Continue reading
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