On Wednesday, Samantha Akkineni celebrated her 34th birthday in a low-key manner. Given the sober situation in the country, the star actress kept it to a bare minimum. And, like a true fan, Charan...Continue reading
Sai Pallavi has impressed the youth. They are just loving her performance in Fidaa. Now stars who have seen her performance in Fidaa also can't stop talking about Sai Pallavi's performance. Samant...Continue reading
Anand Cine Chitra banner is preparing to release ‘Race’ on 1st March. The film stars Vikram and Disha Pandey as lead pair. Ramesh Raparthini is making his debut as director. The story of ‘Race’ ...Continue reading
The makers of 'Yashoda' have said that Samantha Ruth Prabhu and others are going to feature in realistic stunts in the thriller. To be released in theatres on November 11, the film was awarded with...Continue reading
The Telugu version of Vijay's 'Theri' is going to release as 'Policeodu'. The movie is getting ready for a grand release this week in the Telugu states. The film has been given a U certificate by ...Continue reading
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