Despite the tepid response in Tamil, Vikam and Tamannaah starrer ‘Sketch’ is all set to hit Telugu screens with the same title. The Telugu dubbed version is releasing on February 23. T...Continue reading
‘Oopiri’ which was released on March 25 is running successfully with a supper hit talk. Some big heads in the film industry watched the film and praised it to the skies. Sensational director VV Vin...Continue reading
Tamannaah starrer Abhinetri has locked the festive season of Dussehra for its release. There will be good competition as many films have decided to come out during this time. The makers has finaliz...Continue reading
In June this year, actress Tamannaah Bhatia made her relationship news with Vijay Varma official. Varma, for the unversed, is a Bollywood artist. In an interview a few months ago, the 'Sye Raa' act...Continue reading
The film Abhinetri that saw Prabhudeva, Tamannaah and Sonu Sood in lead roles was quite a success upon release in Telugu. And now, the sequel of the film, Abhinetri 2, is set to release on May 31. ...Continue reading
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