Rajasekhar stars as an investigative officer in Kalki, which is presented by Shivani and Shivathmika and Vinod Kumar of White Lamb Talkies. Producer C Kalyan is prestigiously producing the action ...Continue reading
Adah sharma who stole all the hearts with HeartAttack is on a double bonanza . The cute beauty is on a high with two blockbusters Son of Satyamurthy and Rana Vikrama releasing on the same day. L...Continue reading
The recently released small Telugu Film Kshanam is going national - with subtitles. As of now, the film has released mostly in the two Telugu states, Karnataka and in Tamil Nadu. Now though, the fi...Continue reading
Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Mesmerizing Dialogue writer Trivikram’s ‘S/o Satyamurthy’ which was released grandly on April 9, had grand openings and is running successfully in all areas with a super...Continue reading
Nithin-Puri Jagannafh's upcoming film 'Heart Attack' completed the censor formality and ready for release on January 31. This Touring Talkies latest movie written, directed and produced by Puri Jag...Continue reading
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