'Month Of Madhu' hit the cinemas on October 6. At the film's presser a day after its release, director Srikanth Nagothi and actress Swathi Reddy hit out at those reviewers who had "lazily" panned t...Continue reading
In a promotional interview for 'BRO', Sai Dharam Tej revealed that he was doing a short film. The same is going to be released soon. On Tuesday, the teaser for a song from the musical short was unv...Continue reading
Dr.Brahmanandam's latest comedy entertainer Panchathantram, is all set for a release on December 9th. It's USA Premieres on Dec 8. Here's the US Schedule and Theaters List. It's Overseas release by...Continue reading
Hero Jai and Colors Swathi starrer ‘Kulfi’ is the Telugu dubbed version of a Tamil film ‘Vadacurry’, being brought to the Telugu audience by producer Narasimha Reddy Samula. The dubbing work has ...Continue reading
Rakshith and Swathi starrer ‘London Babulu’ is all set to release in a grand level on November 17. Tammareddy Bhardwaja has launched the special teaser. The film has music by K. ‘...Continue reading
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