Samantha is currently shooting an ad for Dabur in Mumbai despite her busy shooting schedules. The actress wrapped up the shooting for ‘Manam’ in Hyderabad recently and is on a holiday break. She...Continue reading
Samantha starrer film directed by Nandini Reddy has got its title. This is a woman-centric film, inspired by the Korean film 'Miss Granny'. Samantha gets to play the role of a 60 year old who finds...Continue reading
Sharwanand starrer 96 has finished a major schedule of the film, which was shot abroad. The makers say that all major portions of the shoot are complete. There are some scenes with Samantha and so...Continue reading
Brahmotsavam is out and the film is doing well. Everyone lauded Mahesh Babu for his acting and handsome look in the film. Critics said that Samantha’s role was not something great, actually there w...Continue reading
The stunning Samantha is the current sensation in Tollywood. After making the hattrick with her recent success ‘Dookudu’ the actress is now flooded with many offers. It’s natural and we all know ...Continue reading
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