Karthi’s ‘Bad Boy’ (Alex Pandian in Tamil) costarring Anushka, directed by Suraj under Studio Green banner is getting ready to compete with three major Telugu films during this 2013 Sankranthi. K ...Continue reading
‘King’ Nagarjuna and Anushka’s visual treat ‘Damarukam’, which is the socio-fantasy film is directed by Srinivas Reddy and produced by Dr Venkat with high technical values on R R Movie Makers b...Continue reading
Anushka did a blunder when she signed up to play the lead role in Size Zero. She gained around 20 kgs for the role and thought that once she finishes shooting she will lose all that extra flab. But...Continue reading
Baahubali is shooting at a brisk pace. The first part of Baahubali left an unanswered question which was, “why did Kattappa kill Baahubali?”. The answer to this question has been filmed at the RFC ...Continue reading
"The first look posters of PVP cinema's Extravaganza, Varna have been released and they have elicited superb response. Varna is a 55 crore bilingual produced by PVP Cinema, it has Anushka playing...Continue reading
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