'Sahakutumbanaam', a new movie directed by Uday Sharma, is led by Ram Kiran and Megha Akash. Producer H Mahadev Gowd is making the film in collaboration with seasoned artists such as Rajendra Prasa...Continue reading
'Maate Mantramu' is the title of Rahul Vijay's romantic entertainer with actress Megha Akash. As the male lead turned a year older today, the title was made official by Kota Film Factory and Trippy...Continue reading
Nani will be playing the role of a Casanova in his next film. Sources say that he will be romancing five or six actresses. This film will be directed by Vikram Kumar who made the film Manam. Sourc...Continue reading
The pre-release event of 'Dear Megha' was held on Sunday evening ahead of the film's theatrical release on September 3. Here are the highlights of the speeches delivered by the cast and crew, and t...Continue reading
'Manu Charitra' is going to hit the cinemas on June 23. Its trailer was released today at the hands of actor Vishwak Sen. We see intensity and angst overwhelm Shiva Kandukuri's character, who fall...Continue reading
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