A few weeks ago, actor Aadi SaiKumar and 'RX 100' star Payal Rajput teamed up for a movie titled 'Kirathaka'. Directed by M Veerabhadram, the film is a crime thriller. On Thursday, Vision Cinemaas...Continue reading
In her latest interview, Payal Rajput acknowledged that debuting in Telugu with a negative role has indeed shown a few negative results. The 2018 movie 'RX 100' was a box-office hit, but since Paya...Continue reading
Looks like Payal Rajput is still a child when it comes to medical things. The 'RX 100' actress screamed and urged the lab technician to take her swab sample slowly. It was just a five-second proces...Continue reading
'Ginna', produced by AVA Entertainment and 24 Frames Factory, will head to theatres in October. Its teaser launch event was held on Friday. Speaking on the occasion, Manchu Vishnu, who plays a sma...Continue reading
Venky Mama starring Venkatesh and Naga Chaitanya has almost completed its shoot. Some portions are yet to be shot. Actor Venkatesh had sprained his leg, hence the delay. Now he has recovered and th...Continue reading
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