Malayalam belle Anupama Parameswaran, who made her Tollywood debut through the film ‘A…Aa’, is now pairing up with Sharwanand. The film title ‘Satamanam Bhavati’ will be helmed by Satish Vegesna. D...Continue reading
Nani starrer Krishnarjuna Yuddham is gearing up for release on 12th April. He is one actor who signs films back to back and is quite successful. But Nani has a secret... Why is he signing so many ...Continue reading
'Karthikeya 2' is hitting the cinemas in the first week of August. Nikhil Siddhartha and Anupama Parameswaran are its lead pair. The news is that a song titled 'Nannu Nenu Adiga' from the movie is...Continue reading
We will be seeing Anupama Parameshwaran in Hello Guru Prema Kosame next. Anupama is a bubbly chubby girl. But of late she seems to have put on a few kilos. The actress has realized this and is putt...Continue reading
Bellamkonda Sreenivas has surely built himself a reputation of trying to do something new with each film. Yet again, the actor is set to be seen in director Ramesh Varma Penmetsa's next, Rakshasudu...Continue reading
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