Manchu Manoj-Deeksha Seth as lead pair and Nandamuri Balakrishna in key role with Panchi Bora as his pair, the film ‘Uoo Kodathara Ulikki Padathara’ is being crafted by director Sekhar Raja under M...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu’s forthcoming production ‘Gundello Godari’, based on four lives during 1986 floods in Godavari districts, started exactly a year ago. Anxiety grew about this film as the relase date...Continue reading
Laxmi Manchu's designer dog, named after the Greek god "Zeus" is making his debut in the film "Chandamam Kathalu". We all know that Laxmi Manchu is already a part of the film. Will Zeus be acti...Continue reading
Lakshmi Manchu has been silent for a while. She does not have many plush projects in hand. There is a movie ‘Lakshmi Bomb’, which has not made much noise. Lakshmi Manchu has also not go...Continue reading
It’s known to all that Maniratnam is currently crafting a romantic film titled ‘Kadal’ in Tamil. He is introducing actor Karthik’s son Gautham as hero and actress Radha’s second daughter Tulasi as...Continue reading
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