The trailer for 'Back Door' was out recently. K Raghavendra Rao, the legendary director, unveiled it. If the teaser of the movie had crossed the 10 million mark, the trailer is on its way to repeat...Continue reading
'Back Door', starring Poorna and Teja Tripurana, is directed by Karri Balaji. After completing the post-production works, the film is gearing up to be released soon. Recently, the film was given a ...Continue reading
There's no denying that the Yesteryear actress Jayaprada is one of the most popular and talented stars in the Telugu film industry. She has done variety of roles in her decades of career. Interesti...Continue reading
Under MK Creations banner, Raj Kumar is the producer of the upcoming movie 'Anti Virus'. Being it a Subhash directorial, the movie's audio is out for the listeners now. Actresses Priyamani and Purn...Continue reading
'Suvarna Sundari' is going to be released in theatres on February 3. The supernatural thriller stars Jayaprada and 'Avunu' fame Poorna in lead roles. Directed by Surendra Madarao, the film also fe...Continue reading
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