Charmi starrer ‘Prema Oka Maikam’ is going to release on June 7th. The story of the film revolves around three characters – prostitute, singer and a writer and Charmi will be seen as prostitute in...Continue reading
KK Reddy of KK Pictures is coming out with the dubbed version of Malayalam super hit movie starring Mammootty and Charmi as lead pair. Titled ‘Iddaru Kaidheelu’, the film is a love entertainer ...Continue reading
'Double iSmart' is a massive disaster. On August 15, the 'word of mouth' was not horrible. Many believed that it wouldn't be as bad a disaster as 'Mr. Bachchan'. But the film is a historic flop of ...Continue reading
With Charmi in lead role Teja Films banner is coming out with the film ‘Mantra 2’. Introducing SC Satish as director, Bonala Srikanth, K Sauri Reddy and Ravi Teja are jointly producing this sus...Continue reading
Puri Jagan's film 'iSmart Shankar' is ready for release. Sadly the distributors do not seem to be much interested in this film. They are negative about the film. Added to this the recently released...Continue reading
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