Telugu actress Hema, who was arrested on June 3 in connection with a rave party raid in Bengaluru, was recently reported to have been named in a chargesheet by the police. On Monday, she issued a v...Continue reading
Jeevitha Rajasekhar and Hema have joined the YSRCP. Elections being close, many actors are foraying into politics. Jeevitha Rajasekhar and her husband Rajasekhar have been a part of Congress and T...Continue reading
‘Love Life’ starring Dilip, Kashmoira, Surya and Hema in lead roles is being directed by Koti S under Mahaveera Movies banner. Ganta Nageswara Rao and Ganta Nikhila are the joint producers. Shoot...Continue reading
Hema was recently spotted at the Bengaluru rave party. Tests were conducted and the blood samples showed that she did consume drugs. Manchu Vishnu, the President of MAA, seems to have been pressuri...Continue reading
During the MAA elections in March 2019, Hema and VK Naresh were on the same side. Hema was an EC member, while Naresh became the President. Within days, there cropped up differences between them. H...Continue reading
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