Among this week's releases, 'Rudrangi' stands rejected by the audience comprehensively. Jagapathi Babu portrays the character of a feudal lord in this period drama, where he tyrannizes an entire vi...Continue reading
'Laal Bagh' is headlined by Mamata Mohandas, who is known for SS Rajamouli-Jr NTR's 'Yama Donga'. The thriller is dubbed from Malayalam to Telugu. Presented by Sampath Kumar, the film's title and ...Continue reading
A couple of months ago there was news that Mamta Mohandas is going to get married to her childhood friend. Yes, the latest we hear is also that this multi-talented actress is going to get hooked u...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring Jagapathi Babu as a savage 'Dora' whose self-image is that of a wild animal. He is the evil 'wild saala' who believes that freedom is no...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring Ashish Gandhi in an action-driven role. The actor's first look poster has him holding a double-barrel gun and looking intently. The mak...Continue reading
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