Taapsee Pannu is joining hands with Y Not Studios and Reliance Entertainment for a Telugu-Tamil bilingual film titled ‘Game Over’. The film will be directed by Ashwin Saravana, who made...Continue reading
‘Daruvu’ starring Ravi Teja and Taapsee, directed by Siva and produced by Burugupalli Siva Ramakrishna is all set to hit theaters worldwide on May 18th. The unit is currently gearing up with the p...Continue reading
Baba Seghal has his own style of singing and he knows very well that how to turn the audience towards him with his magic voice. However, everytime he will be in full charge and makes the people...Continue reading
Taapsee is one of the happening heroines currently in South India. This 25 year old silky beauty is busy with nearly half-a-dozen films (Telugu, Tamil, Hindi & Kannada together) on hand. Now, sou...Continue reading
A lot of actors and actresses bag roles in movies because someone recommends their name to the director/producer. This is not necessarily wrong or inferior unless the person in question is being ca...Continue reading
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