Tamil actor-director Uday Mahesh's character in 'The Family Man 2' has become a social media mania of late. Although his is not a full-fledged character in the web series, Netizens can't have enoug...Continue reading
'Peelings' from 'Pushpa 2' has received a polarized response. If one section of the audience feels that the song is going to impress the mass audience big-time, the other section says that director...Continue reading
'Shaakuntalam', starring Samantha Ruth Prabhu, will now hit the cinemas on April 14. It is going to be one of the earliest releases this Summer. "The Love that was forgotten... An unforgettable ta...Continue reading
Whenever a celeb couple gets divorced, their decision attracts public attention. On social media, Netizens make judgments and arrive at their own conclusions. Most of the times, either the husband ...Continue reading
Rangamma Mangamma song from Ram Charan and Samantha starrer Rangasthalam shows no signs of stopping. The film released several months ago, yet the song is fetching million views. It is still creati...Continue reading
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