Hansika Motwani tied the knot with her friend Sohael Khaturiya on December 4 last year. The wedding was a grand affair, complete with 'dhoom dham' involving relatives, guests, wedding planners, and...Continue reading
As mentioned in the past in Ragalahari, 'Jintata Jita Jita' is the title for Ravi Teja's latest film that is progressing under writer turned director Bobby's direction. Hansika has paired up with ...Continue reading
Rockline Venkatesh's maiden multilingual multi-starrer ‘Villain’ has broken the first day collection records of ‘Puli Murgan’. Staring Complete Actor Mohan Lal, Vishal, Srik...Continue reading
'105 Minutes' is an upcoming single-shot movie with just one character. Starring Hansika Motwani as the heroine, the film was shot in real-time. "We shot the movie at a house in Hyderabad's ...Continue reading
'My Name Is Shruthi', starring Hansika Motwani in the lead, will be released in theatres soon. A crime thriller made in the backdrop of the organ harvesting mafia, the film is in the news because a...Continue reading
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