Samantha learnt a lot from Baahubali 2. The actress tweeted that this film has given her some lessons for life. In her elaborate tweet the actress wrote, that nobody's viewpoint is small. All small...Continue reading
Stylish Star Allu Arjun and Mesmerizing Dialogue writer Trivikram’s ‘S/o Satyamurthy’ which was released grandly on April 9, had grand openings and is running successfully in all areas with a super...Continue reading
Folks, just like the way we are eagerly waiting for the audio of 'Dhookudu' to hit the stand, Mahesh Babu is also eagerly waiting for the auspicious day. He mentioned in twitter saying that the au...Continue reading
The unit of Linguswamy’s project has revealed that the regular shooting of the film starring Suriya and Samantha under Linguswamy’s direction will begin this 20th in Mumbai. The film will be shot ...Continue reading
Samantha Akkineni, who turned into an entrepreneur with the launch of her own clothing label 'Saaki World' announces that her business is now expanded to 15 countries worldwide. Saaki is an Indian...Continue reading
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