Among this week's releases, 'Rudrangi' stands rejected by the audience comprehensively. Jagapathi Babu portrays the character of a feudal lord in this period drama, where he tyrannizes an entire vi...Continue reading
'Rudrangi' is the title of an upcoming action drama starring 'Yama Donga' fame Mamta Mohandas in the role of a fierce noblewoman. Jwalabhai is her name and she is a 'dorasani' in this multi-lingual...Continue reading
A sensational Malayalam film featuring Prithviraj, Mamta Mohandas and Mallika Kapoor is now being dubbed into Telugu as ‘Police Veta’. K Satyanarayana Reddy is producing the Telugu version under La...Continue reading
The Tamil film ‘Guru En Aalu’ is now being dubbed into Telugu as ‘Preyasi’ by D Balaji of New Dreams Creations banner. The film stars Madhavan and Mamta Mohandas and was directed by Selva. Abbas a...Continue reading
Yet another Malayalam super hit film ‘Anwar’ starring Prithviraj is now being dubbed in Telugu with the same title by Chinnababu Arigela of Tollywood Creations (the banner that presented Soolam ear...Continue reading
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