Bharath and Reema starrer ‘Dear’ which is directed by Kumarvelan has completed its post production works and is getting ready for release. On this occasion producers Ravindra Babu and Kishore Naid...Continue reading
Here is a film titled 'DeAr'. The first two letters in the title denote Deepika, while the next two letters denote Arjun. Headlined by Aishwarya Rajesh and GV Prakash Kumar, the film is a relations...Continue reading
‘Premisthe’ fame Bharat and Reema starrer ‘Dear’ audio is set for release in next week. Publicity designer cum producer Kishore Naidu Arigela and his film Ravindra Babu Nallapu are jointly produci...Continue reading
A 2012 calendar with the stills from the film ‘Dear’ was designed and launched by the producers Kishore Naidu Arigela and Ravindrababu Nallapu. This calendar was unveiled by Chief Minister Sri N K...Continue reading
Bharath, Reema starring Tamil film ‘Yuvan Yuvathi’ which is directed by Kumar Velan is now being dubbed as ‘Dear’ in Telugu by Ravindra Babu Nallapu and Kishore Naidu. The audio of this film was r...Continue reading
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