Allari Naresh, known for entertaining audiences with varied rib-tickling films, this time is coming out with another full-fledged comedy entertainer titled ‘Kevvu Keka’. The title itself tells the...Continue reading
Allari Naresh who is riding high with his latest blockbuster hit 'Sudigadu' is now very busy with two projects 'Kevvu Keka' and 'Action 3D'. Action 3D is gearing up to hit screens on April 11th...Continue reading
Allari Naresh who’s best known to keep the audience laughing with his films is all set with appear on screen with yet another rib tickling movie titled ‘Kevvu Keka’. Devi Prasad is directing thi...Continue reading
Jahnavi Productions 'Kevvu Keka' starring Allari Naresh and Sharmila Mandre in lead roles is directed by Devi Prasad and produced by Boppana Chandrasekhar. The film unit arranged a press meet to br...Continue reading
Shooting of Allari Naresh and Sharmila Mandre starrer ‘Kevvu Keka’ is at brisk progress. The 1st shooting schedule which began on November 1st in the surrounding areas of Hyderabad will be complet...Continue reading
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