We all know that ‘Minugurulu’, which was directed and produced by AyodhyaKumar Krishnamsetty, has been selected as the best family drama film and it is awarded the prestigious Akkineni Vamsee International Award. This is the first time Vamsee International has started giving Akkineni Vamsee International awards and ‘Minugurulu is first to receive such an award. And now, AyodhyaKumar Krishnamsetty has been selected to receive the American Telugu Association (ATA) award in the area of Fine Arts. AyodhyaKumar will receive the award at ATA Conference, which is to be held at The Philadelphia Convention Center in Philadelphia, USA on July 3-5, 2014.
Posters of AyodhyaKumar’s next ‘Pakka Commercial Cinema’ has been revealed recently.