Telangana state is forming on June 9th as a result of struggle of crores of Telangana people. On the great occasion of reformation of Telangana state under the leadership of people's leader KCR, Nava Telangana short film competition is being held in the name of 'Telangana Drishyam'. This competition is jointly conducted by Telangana Films Directors Association and Telangana Films Producers Association.
On this occasion, Telangana Films Directors Association president Allani Sridhar and Telangana Films Producers Association president Sana Yadireddy said, "The directors and producers who are willing to participate in the competition have to send their nominations by 9th June. The duration of the short film should be between 3 to 30 mts. The short film should depict the aspirations, struggle, traditions, customs, festivals, etc., of the Telangana region. The selection panel of the short film includes very prominent producers and directors. Apart from 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, there will be special prizes in different categories and these will be given on 3rd week of June at National level event which going to be held in Hyderabad. Your entries can be sent to the [email protected].