'LYF', standing for 'Love Your Father', is a film produced under Manisha Arts, Media Private Limited, and Annapareddy Studios. Produced by Kishore Rathi, Mahesh Rathi, and A Ramaswamy Reddy, it stars Sri Harsha and Kashika Kapoor in the lead roles. Directed by Pavan Ketharaju, the film also features SP Charan, Nawab Shah, Praveen, Bhadram, Raghubabu, Shakalaka Shankar, Rhea, and Sandhya in supporting roles. The music is composed by Mani Sharma.
Telangana Cinematography Minister Komatireddy Venkat Reddy has unveiled its Teaser. Speaking on the occasion, he stated that it is essential for good content to be mounted on meagre budgets. "Big movies in terms of budgets are secondary. What matters more are films like 'LYF', made on small budgets. I will always be ready to support such movies. Big-budget movies require ticket prices to be hiked. On the other hand, if you make films on a small scale, content alone is enough," the Minister said.
The film revolves around a father's yearning to fulfill his son's responsibilities and the son's struggle for his father. SP Charan's portrayal of the hero's father is a significant asset. Raghu Babu, Shakalaka Shankar, and Praveen's comedic timing is exceptional. Shyam K Naidu's cinematography is a visual treat.