'Bicchagadu' fame actor Vijay Antony has been hospitalized. On Monday, he reportedly met with an accident on the sets of his movie 'Pichaikkaran 2', which is titled 'Bicchagadu 2' in Telugu. The a...Continue reading
From the beginning, the makers of 'Bichagadu 2' have been using the word 'Anti Bikili'. What does it mean? The answer is out here. It is about taking up the cudgels against exploiters. The song 'Bi...Continue reading
William Alexander, the owner of prominent production house Picture Box Company has bagged the Telugu rights of Vijay Antony’s upcoming film ‘Kaasi’. ‘Kaasi’ is the Tel...Continue reading
Kollywood actor Vijay Antony is all set to be seen as a detective. He will be essaying the role of a multi-talented detective in a movie titled ‘Hatya’. Starring Ritika Singh as a fledg...Continue reading
'Bichagadu 2', which is a sequel to 'Bichagadu' (it had a monumental box-office run in Telugu after a successful run in Tamil), is going to be released in theaters on April 14. The date was finaliz...Continue reading
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