It is a known fact that Nandamuri Balakrishna is currently working for his upcoming movie under Boyapati Srinu's direction. The movie titled 'Akhanda' has caught up with decent buzz after the relea...Continue reading
‘Avunu-2’, a sequel to the horror-thriller ‘Avunu’ directed and produced by Ravi Babu is all set for worldwide release on April 3. We all know that in the past Ravibabu’s ‘Avunu’ clicked well at th...Continue reading
Superstar Mahesh Babu has launched the theatrical trailer of ‘Silly Fellows.’ The film features ‘Allari’ Naresh, Sunil, Chitra Shukla, Poorna and Nandini Rai in the lead rol...Continue reading
Shooting of ‘Seema Tapakai’ has successfully been completed. The film starring Allari Naresh and Poorna, a new heroine, will be released some time in May. The post production works have already b...Continue reading
We all know that Sammakka Sarakka tribal festival in Telangana and Antarvedi Sri Lakshmi Narasimha Swami Jatara in Andhra are very famous. The poster of ‘Jayammu Nischayammura’ which was pasted at ...Continue reading
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