'Family Star' is set to hit the cinemas on April 5. Dil Raju on Saturday revealed that the film will have a simultaneous release in Telugu and Tamil. The running time of the film is a good 160 minu...Continue reading
'Family Star' was released in theatres this Friday. Its worldwide share stands at less than Rs 6.50 Cr. In Nizam, the film had to make do with just Rs 1.8 Cr. In Andhra, it made just about Rs 1.6 ...Continue reading
Mrunal Thakur awaits the release of 'Family Star' on April 5. She will be giving a series of interviews in March ahead of the film's release. Vijay Deverakonda is its hero. In a recent interview, ...Continue reading
The teaser launch event of 'Hi Nanna' was held today in Hyderabad. We see Natural Star Nani in the role of a photographer in this feel-good romantic drama involving the lead pair and a baby. Speak...Continue reading
Nani has had eight million-dollar films in his career at the US box office. No wonder he wants to tap into the potential of the market ahead of the release of the classy and emotional drama 'Hi Nan...Continue reading
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