Speaking at the Trailer launch event of 'Mechanic Rocky' on Sunday, actor Vishwak Sen said that a pre-release paid premiere of his movie will be held on the evening of November 21. The actor added,...Continue reading
In a recent interview, director Venkat Prabhu conceived a bizarre explanation for why Thalapathy Vijay's 'The GOAT' has been a flop in Telugu and Hindi. "I guess my movie didn't work well with the ...Continue reading
What can the Telugu film industry do, within its capacity, to avert disasters like 'Matka'? A common refrain of filmmakers and producers is that nobody on this planet can say if a film will work wi...Continue reading
Vishwak Sen has experienced a setback with his latest release, 'Mechanic Rocky'. The film, which hit theaters on Friday, has failed to replicate the more-than-decent openings of his previous ventur...Continue reading
'Ichata Vahanamulu Nilupa Radu', which headed to the theatres this Friday (August 27), stars Sushanth in the role of a young man who is dragged into a criminal act by a political conspirator. How h...Continue reading
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