Laila is Vishwak Sen's upcoming movie. As of now, it is scheduled to be released in theatres on February 14, 2025. Sonu Model, a song from the movie, is out. The sonic assault is dense and overwhelming. A barrage of distorted tunes, the song is dissonant. Chaos is not the same as frenzied energy.
Leon James of Kollywood has set the song to tune. Tamil music directors have a certain limited conception of how high-energy numbers have to sound like. They try to be another Devi Sri Prasad but they can't be one. The dance choreography is good but the intended energy doesn't come through.
Laila is directed by Ram Narayan. It is produced by Sahu Garapati of Shine Screens. Vasudeva Murthy has written the movie. Vishwak Sen will be seen in a female getup in the movie.